

TrustPlus is a community of Daily Trust readers passionate about the public interest journalism we do. As members of this community, they demonstrate their commitment to our brand of journalism through financial and editorial support for this platform.  This membership model, evolving in many parts of the world, is cultivated for media sustainability in an era when dwindling revenues from traditional income sources affect the quality of journalism.  This platform, therefore, enables our readers to join different communities of their interest. Also, they enjoy the advantage of being incorporated into our editorial operations. TrustPlus subscribers have exclusive access to our flagship titles—Youthville+ and Careerville where they read and share career advancement articles, education stories, special reports, job and internship opportunities, and newsletters. They also take part in our online and offline events. Donations from members are used to support investigative journalism and special reports that expose and challenge malfeasance in governance and speak truth to power.

Trust Plus was launched to sustain our public interest journalism and make them accessible to our readers. Our vision is to bridge the gap between our reporters and readers, by giving readers the opportunity to make inputs and suggestions into the journalism we produce for public good.


Trust Plus operates on the basis of membership, which means our readers would need to sign up in order to access and contribute to our contents. The membership is open to all; it’s a community of readers with the common interests to support us and make our journalism free to all. We have two tiers of membership: student membership, which is free, provided such applicants are Nigerian students in any institution of higher learning. The second is paid membership, a pay-as-you-can model, that allows applicants to make donations monthly, annually or one time. Members are invited to our offline and online events and interact in our communities. They share their stories, engage with our editors, financially support us and even share story ideas for investigation.


Members support our investigative and service journalism with their time, money, energy, expertise, and connections. Additionally, members offer suggestions for topics to investigate or share results of our investigations. They might also be involved in crowdsourcing evidence to support an investigation.  Our membership portal is a bridge between our reporters, editors, and the audience they serve. Our readers and loyal audience are engaged through communities and forums that would sustain this partnership.

Membership is free to Nigerian students anywhere in the world.  But you have to provide proof of studentship. Here is the link to join the student membership.

Trust Plus operates on a pay-as-you-can model, but minimum donation is N1,000 to become a member. Our members contribute articles, story ideas and even engage with our editors and reporters on topics of mutual interest.

1. Connect

Join our community of columnists, whistleblowers and professionals

2. Access

Get exclusive access to selected digital products (e-papers, membership newsletter, podcasts, Youthville+, Careerville+)

3. Engage

Meet our editors and reporters and be part of the journalism we do.

4. Discount

Get discounts when you buy from our stores

5. Opportunities

Get exclusive access to our networking events, job and internship opportunities, training and competitions. Members will benefit from our virtual training, knowledge sharing, expert sessions, and network building which will be held periodically.

You can join our community of columnists who contribute to our Youthville+ and Careerville titles here. You can also give feedback on our stories, send us story ideas and help share our stories to other readers. If you smell a good story somewhere or want to draw our attention to a story worth investigating, we will be glad to hear from you. We encourage our readers to attend and give feedback on our stories through interactive sessions with our editors and reporters (virtually or in-person). Feedback from these sessions is circulated in the newsroom and members are invited.

Daily Trust produces investigative and well-researched stories that help Nigerians understand political, social and economic issues that shape their lives. Membership fees are used to support our investigative journalism and special reports intended to expose corruption and speak truth to power as well as other administrative expenses.

Yes, you can. You can pause or cancel membership at any time. Enquiries: [email protected]

Whatsapp: +234 806 990 3410

You can contact us   via [email protected] or

Whatsapp: +234 806 990 3410.  Our associate will explain how to fix that.

FAQ (Youthville+ and Careerville)

Commitment to produce at least one article in a month is required. Articles can be written in any narrative form, and on topics relevant to our products. They have to be topics on education, career, or service journalism. We cannot guarantee all articles will be published. Articles will be reviewed and edited by our editors. Those below our standard will be returned to the writer with suggestions for improvement.

Articles can be sent any day of the month, but a minimum of two articles per month is required. You can pitch your ideas to the editor.  Also, editors could suggest topics to you, if they realize you have the background, expertise and experience to write them. Of course, you have to   determine when you can deliver the article (deadline). The editors will work with the deadline you set. You set your deadline and we help you stick to it.

Topics should revolve around education and career. Topics about these sectors are welcome. Also, we look out for stories, experience, expertise, or knowledge you have that other people might need or that might help others do their job well.

At least, twice a month but it’s not compulsory to attend. Video recording shall be shared with other writers who cannot join.

Careerville will be launched in September and the portal is currently being integrated into the Daily Trust website. Experts with similar interests and opportunities are connected based on interest.

A follow-up email will be sent to explain this process.

Yes, we will need a short bio of you (150 words max) and a passport size photo that can go along with your article.

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